We’re here!


We are, finally, in Italy! Well actually we arrived yesterday evening after picking up our friend at the airport in Bergamo.

Even though we were tired after our long trip  we woke up 6:40 this morning. Which is totally fine when you wake up here, have a cup of coffee outside and a walk before it gets to hot outside.


The bad news is that Molly has a sore eye. It is red and sometimes it is hard for her to keep the eye open.

I consulted one of my colleagues at work and she reccomended a visit to a vet if it doesn’t get better very soon.

Better to be safe than sorry of course.

Good thing is there’s an AniCura vet clinic 55 minutes from here and another one (not AniCura) even closer to where we are.


So today we will stay here and just hang around the house and perhaps tomorrow (when it’s supposed to rain) we’ll take a trip to Torino!
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