Lately in Italy

We haven’t done much the last couple of days so I have had a bit of lack of inspiration to blog.
What I do have though is pictures! So I’ll share some with you here.
We went to a town called Casale which is about 25 minutes away from where we live.
Whenever we visit a city we meet so many Italians that praise Molly and her looks. Most common comments are "Aaah bellisima!", "Mama Mia" and "Ciao Molly". This is all accompanied with cuddles and kisses. Molly loves it and the same thing happened when we brought Cosmos here three years ago.
We had delicious and beautiful gelato 
In Casale there’s a sort of famous place that makes the most delicious biscuits so we had to buy the biggest of packages. Totally ok to bring your dog inside.
On our way back to our house we visited Cantina del Monferrato (Arditi) which sadly isn’t dog friendly but still well worth a visit.
I’ve had quite some time to read books and finished this gem which I think all dog owners should read.
Molly has been snoozing a lot due to the warm weather. It’s important to let your dog be inside, take it easy and drink lots of water. We’ve had up to 38 degrees some days. That’s painful for me too.
Cutest girl in Italy.
In the closest village to ours there’s a restaurant called Mister Barbera which I love. It is run by a woman who cooks the food herself and even though a lot of it is basic Italian food it is so good. I love the Italian kitchen due to everything being very "clean".
Pasta with aubergine.
Molly was welcome and had her cooling vest on due to the heat.
Basic salad but very delicious.
Some more snoozing.

That’s it for now! When I write this we are on a little trip to Lago Maggiore which I will give you a post about further on.

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