14 januari 2019

This past sunday we were lucky enough to get invited to Boulebars releaseparty which they had in honor of their new menu! They invited me and Cosmos, cause they are dog friendly, and we got to bring Cosmos husse along.
Boulebar is like a indoors city park in french style. There are several Boule courts on two floors and there are tables scattered with lots of space in between. This makes it perfect for bringing dogs (and babies I guess) ! Everything has a french touch, especially the drinks and the food, and the staff seems very happy and friendly. I think Cosmos befriended the whole staff plus some other guests last night...
First of all they served us a glas of bubbly stuff and you could have oysters with that but we kindly declined...

Then we scouted out the courts but did'nt dare to play before we had had food because some members in this family is a hangry person!

So we headed for the kitchen where the chefs handed out dishes from their new menu and I think we tried them all. We both (the humans that is) eat meat so we tried the fish and the veal but actually we both liked the vegan patisse dish and the artichoke soup the best! Aside from having wonderful wine and beer with the food we were served a glass of what is the official Boule drink; Ricard. This was not my cup of tea but my company liked it. The thing is that this drink is supposed to make you better at playing Boule and since my company drank his whole glass and I left some in mine, he later won the Boule game. No other reason than him liking the drink better...

After having some food we decided it was time to play. But first, I ordered myself a cocktail! We were recommended to play on the courts downstairs because the courts there are further away from eachother so if you bring a dog it is more safe for them on those courts. A very nice thing to think of for dog owners by the staff I think.

When I had lost the game I needed desserts to cheer me up so we went back upstairs and had three kinds of dessert with coffee and a new cocktail. It may seem as if I would have been drunk by this time but all the drinks were rather small so I was ok, don't you worry. We had our desserts and coffee and hung out with two other dogs that were there aswell until we decided to call it a night.